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911 Calls – Children


Child Unsure of Address – An 8-year-old calls 911 after her mother and a companion are shot; they both lay dying before her. The girl is unfamiliar with the location, but ultimately comes up with an address. You decide: Could this information have been gotten more quickly?

Article:   911 Operator (Barely) Disciplined Over Callous Response To Girl As Her Parents Died


Frightened girl calls 911 – A 9-year-old and her younger sister are trapped in their father’s car as he drives – very drunk – on an “unplanned trip” away from their home. The operator must contend with a child who is “hysterical.” Could this crucial information have been gotten another way?

Article:  Frightened Girl Calls 911, Says Dad’s Drunk and ‘Driving Really Fast’ in St. Simons Island


Lisa’s Story – A 6-year-old frantically calls as her stepfather brutally beats her mother. This call is heartbreaking to listen to – and stunning when you learn that this compassionate 911 operator follows up with the girl years later.

Article:  Little Girl Calls 911 For Help While Her Stepfather Beats Her Mother

Article:  Little Girl Calls 911 as Her Mother is Being Beaten by Her Stepfather


Silent Protocol – This is an example of a first-rate 911 dispatcher.  During a home invasion a 12-year- old hiding in a closet is unable to speak because the burglar is right outside the door! This innovative dispatcher gets the crucial information anyway.

Article:  Waltham Police Arrest Break-in Suspect After Child’s 911 Call

Article:  12-Year-Old Calls 9-1-1, Cops Catch Alleged Burglar on the Run


Stop Whining –  This 911 dispatcher loses his cool with a frantic girl who says both her father and his girlfriend have been struck down as they changed a tire on the shoulder of a busy highway. He tells her to “Stop whining!” A graphic example of the need to deal with children callers in a special way.

Article:  911 Dispatcher Tells Girl Watching Her Father Die to ‘Stop Whining’

Article:  Operator Who Told Teen to ‘Stop Whining’ as Dad Lay Dying Loses Job


12-Year Old Saves Day – A 12-year-old girl had the presence of mind to grab her cell phone and dive into a closet as two men broke into her home. This 911 dispatcher was so instrumental in the quick response (just two minutes from call to police arrival) that she was honored in a special Mayor’s ceremony.

Article:  12-Year Old Girl Calls 911, Takes Video, Photos of Massachusetts Home Invader

Article:  Unlikely Hero Helps Police Catch Two Would-Be Burglars


READERS:  Heard an interesting 911 call lately? Send us a link or attachment to: info@911Nowtraining.com